Interview with Death Follows Daybreak: Update 01/30/04
Links page: Massive Update 01/22/04
After an incredibly long hiatus, I'm bringing Friends Like You back into a print zine. I acknowledge that being reenergized by the current underground music scene is the culprit for me reenergizing Friends Like You. I'm really blessed at the present with a wonderful staff of incredible artists and writers and I truly believe you'll love what we have for you. We have just released issue #7. If you would like a copy you can pick one up at a local show here in the Pittsburgh/Butler, PA area or just send $1 to the address located on the contact page.
Also, I am looking for individuals to add to our group of writers and distributers. If you feel you have any desire to write in this manner, I'm really looking for some people to consistently produce articles and even a couple people for a column each issue. In addition , in a limited manner, I also would like to include some short stories. Our other dire need is help with distribution. If you are willing to hand out this zine at shows, your school or just to a bunch of your friends. Please E-mail me. I'd appreciate your help with fronting the mailing cost, but please know that if you can't, I will definitely front that cost. I can use all the help that way as I can possibly get.
In closing, please check out this latest issue. We have interviews with Death Follows Daybreak and Showbread. We also have music reviews, articles, poetry and all kinds of stuff in different styles that I'm sure you'll appreciate. Check it out!
Playlist for this update: Pedro the Lion- "Control" Songs:Ohia- "The Magnolia Electric Co." Social Distortion-"White Light, White Heat, White Trash" One 21-7" One 21-"Grenade" Weezer-Blue Album Reading List for this update: The Weight of Glory- C.S.Lewis Watership Down- Richard Adams
Friends Like You
182 Church Rd.
Fombell, PA 16123
United States